Petersburg’s Water Department Ensures Safe Water for Our Families
The Town of Petersburg’s Water Department is tasked with obtaining, storing, and providing safe water to our town.
Reliable, Affordable Water Is the Water Department’s Goal
The Petersburg Water Department purchases water from Fayetteville Public Utilities and stores it in the Petersburg reservoir to provide the residents of Petersburg with reliable, affordable water.
Applications for new services can be requested and submitted at the Petersburg Town hall during business hours.
In addition to the water service application, applicants are required to pay a deposit, and connection fee, provide a lease agreement or proof of purchase and present proper Identification.
For deposit amounts, water rates, and Petersburg water rates schedule, please see the Petersburg Water Rules and Regulations.
Tap fee - $1,200.00 or cost plus 25% whichever is greater
Sewer Rates
$25.00 per month, only businesses and residences on the Square.
Garbage Service Rates
Residential $15.00 per month
Small business $18.00 per month
Large business $50.00 per month
Rules and Regulations Revised June 2021
Water will be furnished subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Town of Petersburg Water Department, which Rules and Regulations, as well as any Rules and Regulations hereinafter amended, modified, or promulgated, are made a part of every application, contract and agreement entered into between the property owner and or the customer and the Water Department.
Definitions: Department- The word “Department” will be used in these Rules and Regulations to designate the Petersburg Water Department.
Customer- The word “Customer” will be used to designate a person, firm, or corporation contracting with the Department for the furnishing of water to the property.
Property owner- The person or persons who are legally responsible to pay the property tax.
Renter- Anyone paying money to the property owner but is not legally responsible to pay any property land taxes.
Property- The word “Property” shall mean, except where otherwise specified:
A building under one roof and ownership and occupied by one business or by one residence.* This includes mobile homes as defined below.
One or more buildings on a single tract of land, all under one ownership and occupied by one family or business.
One side of a double house having a solid vertical partition wall.
Trailer Park- A “trailer park” consists of more than three trailers where the trailer park owner owns the parking spaces.
Apartment House- An “apartment house” is a building housing three or more families or three or more households.
Service Connection- The phrase “service connection” will be used in these Rules and Regulations to designate the tap on the main, together with that portion of the line extending from the tap to the meter. The meter shall be considered as part of the service connection.
Water Service Contract Any applicant for water service shall complete a Water Service Contract and submit the application to the Department with all applicable fees.
If water service cannot be supplied in accordance with the Department’s rules, regulations, or policies or those of any state or federal agency with oversight regarding service, the liability of the Department to the applicant for such water service shall be limited to the refund of the applicable tap fee.
Service Connections The Department shall be responsible for installing and maintaining all service connections. The Department is in no way responsible for any portion of the private water service lines (anything past the meter).
The Department will install a meter and meter cut-off valve for each service connection, both of which shall remain the property of the Department. If necessary, the Department will install a check valve on the customer’s side of the meter.
Customer Service Lines The customer shall be responsible for and bear the expense of installing and maintaining the service line from the meter to the point of use.
Pressure Regulator Device If needed, it will be the customer’s responsibility to install and maintain a pressure regulator on the customer’s side of the service connection.
Minimum Bill The Department will charge a monthly minimum bill.
Billing Frequency Water bills will be rendered monthly. Commercial or Industrial customers may be billed monthly or more frequently as determined by the Mayor and Aldermen Board.
Billing Due Date The customer will be required to pay by the due date as noted on the bill. If full payment is not received in the Department’s office by close of business on the due date, the customer must pay the gross amount as shown on the bill. Should the due date fall on a weekend or a holiday observed by the Department, the bill may be paid on the following business day at the net amount with no penalty.
Failure to Receive Bill Water bills are recognized as routine bills owed by the customer. The customer’s failure to receive a bill does not change in any way the customer’s obligation to pay the amount due in a timely manner.
Service Calls In the event a customer requests that the Department check a service connection for proper operation (i.e. water leak, no water or low pressure, high bill), the Department will investigate the request and notify the customer of their findings. After-hours service calls will be billed to the customer if the problem is the customer’s. The rate will be $ 45.00 per call.
Termination of Service by Customer In the event a customer moves and no longer needs the water service at the service location, the Department must be notified by the customer within five calendar days of his intention to move. The customer will be responsible for payment of water consumed up to the date his service is terminated by the Department (meter cut off). In the event a customer desires to move to a new location within the Department, he shall pay any and all fees applicable to the new location.
Termination of Service by Department
Nonpayment of a bill or other charges
Failure to comply with Department Rules, Regulations, and policies
Any threat to public health on the customer’s premises that may endanger other customers or the public.
Tampering with the department’s equipment or property
Stealing service
In the event that the customer has added or adds an additional residence on his one tap
The customer has an amount past due from any previous service
If the bill remains unpaid 7 days after the Gross Amount Due Date, service will be discontinued without any further notice.
Special Circumstances For Non-Termination of Service The Department shall not disconnect the service to any customer on a life support system or dialysis machine. It is the customer’s responsibility to notify the Department in writing from their doctor if service discontinuance is life-threatening. After the notification is received, the Department will tag the customer’s account as an “Emergency Medical Service” to ensure that the service is not cut off. If an emergency medical service customer cannot pay a bill or other charge, it shall be the customer’s responsibility to find a social service or charitable group to assist the customer. Except where an agreement/contract has been made with the Petersburg Water Dept. and the customer. (Must be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen Board.)
Apartment Rate Customers Apartment Rate is defined as serving more than 1 residence on the same parcel of land. *All Apartment Rate Customers MUST be approved by the Mayor and Aldermen.
Authorized employees, representatives, and contractors of the Department shall have ready access to all properties served by the Department at reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, maintaining and inspecting lines and connections to the Department, including sampling and testing as provided by the Department and by State and Federal law.
Theft of Service Anyone found to be in violation of the theft of service will be subject to a tampering fee. Service will not be restored until all payments for the following are received by the Department:
Adjusted payment for utility service
Tampering fee
Reconnection fee and other fees as deemed appropriate
The cost of damages to the Department’s property to include labor, equipment, overhead, and replacement parts
Shortages and Emergencies The Department cannot and does not guarantee either a sufficient supply or an adequate or uniform pressure, and shall not be liable for any damages or loss resulting from an inadequate or interrupted supply, from any pressure variations, or for damages from the interruption of service.
The Department may declare service restrictions during a period of shortage and emergencies.
Cross-Connections No person shall cause a cross-connection, auxiliary intake, by-pass, or interconnection. * Refer to Cross-Connection Policy and Plan.
Water Line Extensions Water line extensions by the Department shall be paid for by the Department or through available grant monies.
Water line extensions by individuals, businesses, or developers shall be paid for by these applicants. The applicant must adhere to the Town of Petersburg Planning Commission rules and regulations and the Department's rules and regulations.
The foregoing Rules and Regulations, the aforementioned Schedule of Rates and Charges may be amended, modified, enlarged, or otherwise changed at any time by a majority of the Board of Mayor and Alderman when deemed necessary.
The Town of Petersburg and the Petersburg Water Department has, by proper resolution, adopted the foregoing Rules and Regulations for the Town of Petersburg and its water customers, which resolution declares that if any section, paragraph, clause, or provision of these Rules and Regulations shall be held invalid for any reason, the remainder of these Rules and Regulations shall remain in full force and effect.
Water Dept Fees Schedule** (rev 7.2021) Connection Fee (with Water Deposit for new Service) - $25.00 Transfer Fee (change name on account) - $10.00 After hours service fee - $45.00 per call Tampering fee (water theft, damage of property) - $250.00 per occurrence Meter replacement - $150.00 or current cost Meter Riser resetter - $100.00 or current cost Meter box change out/replacement - $50.00 or current cost Meter lid change out/replacement - $25.00 or current cost Reconnection fee - $50.00 per reconnect Returned check fee - $ 35.00 per ret’d check Late payment fee - 5% of water service Destruction of property - Cost of equipment replacement plus tampering fee Tap Fee for new water services - $1,200.00 or cost plus 25% whichever is greater
Leak Adjustment Policy Customers that notify the Department about a leak can receive an adjustment if: 1. They provide proof of the leak’s repair. (receipt of materials, repair bill, etc.) 2. Their water bill is at least $100.00 more than their average bill. 3. Each account can only receive 2 adjustments in a 12 month period. 4. Any other adjustments must be approved by Mayor & Alderman.
Adjustment Calculation: Take the bill with the leak and subtract the normal monthly bill. (12 mo. average) Take the remaining amount and divide by 2. This will be the amount adjusted off the bill.
EXAMPLE: Bill amount = $ 180.00 Normal monthly bill = $ 40.00 180-40=140 140 divided by 2 = 70 adjustment will be $ 70.00 Customer will pay $ 110.00